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Friday, December 24, 2010

{mis}Adventure #3 (circa Fall 2007): The Noise

These past couple days have been crappy for me, literally.

Let's see.  I got "control" of my new apartment/condo on the 1st of September.  My mom & grandmother came up on the 3rd to help me clean & move in and my household goods got delivered on the 4th.  We did what we could all day on the 4th and my mom & grandmother held it down on the 5th until around noon.

All day on the 5th I was prepping/conducting recons of various locations that would be in use from the 6th-9th where I'd be serving as a Class Aide for the USMA Class of 1977.  So from the 6th-8th I was not home in this new apartment at all, I got into my place in the wee hours of the 9th (due to attempts at partying) and slept late into the morning.

At some point on Sunday, while in bed...I heard this gurgling, bubbling noise.  Was it my toilet? Was it the guy's water upstairs flowing down? What was it?  Who cares, need more sleep *grunt*
So I dismiss the noise, roll over and go back to sleep.

Later, I hear the noise again and jump up & try to find the source of the noise before it stops.  I checked each toilet...nothing. Then, I hear the noise AGAIN!

WTH IS IT??  So this time I check the shower...AHA!  There are traces of "debris"...*eww*

What to do?  What to do?  What to do?  Call my "landlord", who tells me to call my neighbor, who apparently had a similar issue and found someone to fix it. 

So, I call her...she says her friend will check it out for me.  Great, I'm set then – so I go to see about accomplishing some more unpacking and I smell something...

Is it me? *sniff*  No.

Is it coming from upstairs?  *sniff* No.

What IS it?

I follow my nose to my bathroom, again, and much to my dismay...there is CRAPPY water rising up from my shower and onto the bathroom floor, but wait, it gets WORSE!  How?!  The water has begun to infiltrate the pretty pink (not my choice) carpet in my bedroom!!  Oh and the other bathroom is starting to do the same & the water is seeping onto the other bathroom's floor.

Panicked, I call my mommy, of course.  She directs me to get everything off the floor at once & call her back!  I do so obediently, but really, where the HECK am I even going to put this stuff?  Everything is still in boxes – I don't even have a dern table on which to place this crap!!  I just try to move everything away from the likely overflow areas & hope for the best.


Long story short: I called the neighbor, who called the management, who called the emergency plumber, who fixed the problem.  Or so we thought.  This afternoon (after taking all day off from work, renting a carpet cleaner, wet vacuuming the floor and cleaning both bathrooms) I heard "the noise" again.  I think to myself, there's NO WAY!  So, I disregarded the sound because I didn't see any signs of what follows after "the noise".  Sure enough, a few hours later the shower stall is full of CRAPPY water AGAIN, but it hasn't yet overflowed. I call maintenance, who calls the plumber, who rushes right over, but not before the shower overflows onto the now, not so pretty, pink carpet...AGAIN!


The plumber is dumbfounded and my apartment is jacked up, but he "fixed" it tonight and M -- someone who I've only recently befriended through coaching rugby -- actually came over to help me clean up the crap.  We have a bunch of laughs at the ridiculosity of the situation and clean into the early morning hours.  Hey, at least I still had the rental carpet cleaner and tomorrow, the maintenance crew will come over, clean my carpets, power wash the bathroom floors and brief me – well my neighbor bc I can't miss anymore work – on the plan to treat my carpet and walls for mold & mildew.  I SO don't plan on getting sick off any spores, dangit.

So, anytime you think you're having a crappy day, at least it wasn't literally crappy, like mine...

{CLOUD}: Crap happens...

SILVER LINING: ...and if you're lucky you get best friend out of those crappy situations!

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