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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{mis}Adventure #15 - Life in Dubai: Adapters, Converters and Transformers. Oh My!

Meet my Foreman Grill: Big Red.

Big Red is special to me because my best friend heard my plea for a foreman grill so that I can cook my own food and stop ordering in.

Big Red has removable plates.  I can grill, make pizza, and quesadillas; if I so desire.

Meet my kitchen outlet.

You may have noticed that Big Red's plug is not compatible with my kitchen outlet.  Never fear because my adapter is here *da dut da daaahhh*

Meet my adapter.

When I plugged Big Red into this adapter and then into the wall; I thought that my adapter was actually a converter.  I'd been calling it a converter, and the silly thing continued to let me believe that it was, in fact, a converter.  However, my adapter is not a converter.  If my adapter were, in fact, a converter then Big Red would not have smelled like the burning of electrical wires and circuits.  I wouldn't have smelled Big Red at all.  Instead I would've smelled the grilled chicken that I wanted to prepare.

Meet my transformer.

It came into my life after the Big Red incident.  I foolishly believed that Big Red was okay and that I could still plug him into the adapter, into the transformer and the transformer into the wall and all would be okay.  That was not the case.  Big Red never stood a chance.

Meet my Foreman Grill, LBG - for Lil' Black Grill.

LBG was $15.  I had to buy him on a brief trip home to 'Merica and as a replacement for Big Red.  LBG's stature is attributed to the requirement that he be able to fit into the only piece of luggage I brought home with me: a backpack.  LBG does not make pizza or quesadillas, he just grills.  It's okay, though.  At least I have a Foreman Grill...that works.

{CLOUD}:  Sometimes we want all the bells, whistles, and all the frills and then only after a small tragedy we realize that...
SILVER LINING:'s not the biggest, baddest or flashiest, but the practical,the basic, the simple that will see us through.

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