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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

RaNDom Musing #21 (18 Dec 2011): Bathroom Automation

So there I am, in the bathroom and a bar to remain unnamed on Main Street in Scranton - well, technically, Dickson City.

I go into the bathroom do my do and then step up to wash my hands.  The sink is manual, the soap dispenser is automatic and the paper towel dispenser is manual.  WTHk?!

Seriously, if you have an automated soap dispenser, I would've thought that AT LEAST the paper towel dispenser would be too!  Otherwise the savvy germaphobe's* way of washing is all thrown off and looks something like this:
  1. Manually turn on faucet
  2. Swipe hand under soap dispenser
  3. Wash hands
  4. Wave hand in front of paper towel dispenser, realize it isn't automated
  5. Manually crank out enough paper towel to dry hands, shut off faucet and exit bathroom
  6. Wave hand BACK under soap dispenser
  7. Wash hands (again)
  8. Grab paper towels
  9. Dry hands
  10. Shut off sink (with paper towels)
  11. Exit bathroom (with paper towel barrier on door handle)

Am I the only one that is annoyed by mis-matched or non-sensical bathroom automation selections?  Go all out or not at all.

*just sayin'*

*Thanks to my newest friend, Ms. J, for the savvy germaphobe technique

RaNDom Musing #20 (7 Dec 2011): Dear Scranton Series - Scranton Jeopardizes Progress in Recent Weather Pacts

[Only a week after the successful fall weather talks, Scranton places the progress made into jeopardy by sending a RaNDoM snow storm.  Although the Ice Age is the worst-case scenario of failed weather talks...this Islander doesn't want to risk it.  See more below...]
Dear Scranton,

I don't suppose that this snow storm has something to do with my delayed winter weather negotiations, does it? I was under the impression that we would return to talks on 21 December. Let's talk soon, as I do not think I can stay here if you keep up with the current weather.

~An Island Girl on Ice...literally.

RaNDom Musing #19 (29 Nov 2011): Dear Scranton Series - Fall Weather Agreement

[After a week of 55 Degree weather in the fall.  I didn't realize that the weather was unseasonably warm until conversations with my Crossfit Scranton crew.  In an effort to let Scranton know that I appreciated the gesture of goodwill (and had new expectations knowing what he could do), I drafted the following...]
Dear Scranton,

I'm pleased to find that we've been able to come to an agreement on the fall weather. I must say that I'm enjoying the 55+ temps! I look foward to our negotiations for acceptable winter weather.


An Island Girl

RaNDom Musing #18 (16 Sep 2011): Dear Scranton Series - 46 Degrees on a September Morning?!

[So - I woke up this morning at around 0630.  I'm ready to hobble down the stairs in my cast and get to the gym.  Thus far, I've been rolling out the house in a t-shirt and workout  shorts...until today, when I stepped outside and the unthinkable happened...]

 Dear Scranton,
The temperature is 46 degrees at 7 on a September morning...why?!


A Tropical Bird

RaNDom Musing #17 (circa Aug 2011): Introducing the Dear Scranton Series

Many of you may know that I've had to move to Scranton recently for work.  There are a few things that have caused me to write "open letters" to the city of Scranton since I've been here.

Some of those things include:
  • Inquiries about the lack on lines in non-side roads that facilitate two-way traffic;
  • Inquiries about why said unlined two-way roads have cars parked on them in directions opposite of the direction of travel (believe me, no lines and mis-parked cars have made me doubt if I should even be on a road);
  • and my FAVORITE - Negotiations about acceptable weather.
Stay tuned for more in the Dear Scranton Series of my RaNDom Musings!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

RaNDom Musing #16 (Sep 2011): How do you define homesickness?

Is a wanderer's version of homesickness the things they miss from places they've been?

I don't get homesick, but I often find myself yearning for something of the places I've visited.


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{mis}Adventure #12 (Jun 2011): Hold Your [Wild] Horses!

This is a fairly short {mis}Adventure. 

As you all know, I've been "living" in Pennsylvania for the past month and a half now.  My daily routine starts with a 0600 workout followed by an 8-hour day.  The morning / rush-hour traffic here is equivalent to non-peak hours in DC and really deserves to be scoffed at for even being referred to as traffic.

So, you can imangine my surprise when at about 0545 in the morning the highway was at a stand still - now mind you, this is NOT typically a "trafficky" time period by PA standards.  I couldn't, for the life of me figure out why the heck I was sitting there at this hour!  


I turned on the radio to get some more insight on the goings-on and...I kid you not, the radio stations were advising commuters not to honk their horns as the State Police were attempting to wrangle a few wild horses that were impeding traffic on I-81!!

Don't beileve me?!  I submit the following photographic evidence:

Seriously, I can't make this stuff up. 
Some how, some way, I'm always present for the unlikeliest of situations!

While I was sitting there waiting for traffic to creep past the point of the back-up, I found myself getting agitated. Then I talked myself down.  Why was I so worked up?  Really and truly I was only headed to the gym.  I had no hard timeline to meet and no reason to rush.

For the first time in the month plus that I'd been making that drive  I noticed the sun ascending over the treetops in the distance.  I appreciated the colors of the sky.  I lowered my windows and took in the scents of the woodline that framed the interstate (not something that you often find on a typical DC commute). 

With that, I got the message loud and clear that was being broadcasted from above.*

{Cloud}  Sometimes life throws you into trafficky situations...

SILVER LINING ...take the hint: Hold Your Horses, and capitalize on the opportunity to reflect and appreciate.

* God has a sense of humor and he made his mark by sending a trinity of horses to deliver the message.  Yep, there were three of 'em!

Friday, July 1, 2011

RaNDom Musing # 15:

REMOVED -- Entry kept for consistency of blog numbering!

Friday, May 27, 2011

{mis}Adventure #11 (May 2011): I'm Not in Kansas...but there are tornadoes here!

Last summer I survived a Hurricane.  And last night?  Last night I maybe-possibly-likely-probably survived a tornado.  Well, if the twister didn’t actually hit my location – I was as ready for it as I could be in my extended-stay hotel suite room place.
So there I am, just got back from a self-motivated crossfit work out, ready to shower and relax at my new hotel home.   I turn on the TV for dinner and news and all I can see on the local channels are these Tornado Watch broadcasts with the weatherman repeatedly saying: "If you are in the area I just mentioned, please take cover now". 
Tornadoes in Pennsylvania?  Yes.  Actually, four touched down on Monday (one F-0, two F-1 and one F-2).  
What am I supposed to do in case of a tornado again?  Something about the basement or an inner-most room away from the South and West walls.  Thank goodness for Android apps.  I pulled out the compass app and google searched tornado safety to begin to prepare myself.
I also headed to the front desk to inquire about their plan.  Let me tell ya, they were no where near as prepared for ANY kind of emergency as that Resort in St. Maarten with the hurricane last year.  The kid at the counter was like, yeah – I heard one tornado was sighted, but that’s 45 minutes from here.  Meanwhile i'm thinking...

Yo!  Son, do you know how quickly a tornado can travel?!  *good grief*
Shaking my head – I resigned myself to the fact that my survival was in my own hands.  *sigh*  I looked outside and it had gotten VERY dark, VERY quickly.  I prepared my tornado survival space and hunkered down.
Because I’m actually kinda nervous, I send my parents a text & post to fB hoping for some company and comic relief.  Mission accomplished – hilarity ensues. 

Examine the evidence:
[Text message between my Mom and I]
Me: I’m staying at the Suites 504 N. Blah Blah Road, Harrisburg, PA.  Phone 717.###.7800.  A tornado was reported to have touched down close by.
Mom: Are you okay? Any more storms predicted? May God bless you and keep you safe.  Love, Mummy
Me: I’m in my hotel room, in the bathroom, under a table, wrapped in a blanket
Mom: Your room is on the 5th floor?  Is there not a basement in the hotel?
Me: My room is on the first floor, 126.  504 is the hotel building number
Me: No basement, no true interior rooms
Mom: Okay, be safe and continue to pray
Me: Yes, ma’am
(~1.5 hours later)
Me: I’m in the clear.  Keep the address & room # - this is where I’ll be living for the next couple of months while I’m in PA
Mom: Is this the Suites?  The room is now 126 instead of 504? 
<Oh, Mom! *smh*>
And facebook…

So we're still wating on the confirmed reports of the tornadoes...but if you're interested - here's a pic of my Hotel Bathroom Tornado Fort (with quick egress to bathtub):

{CLOUD} Life sometimes presents storms, okay TORNADOES, in the most unexpected of places...

SILVER LINING: ...just build yourself a fort, say a little prayer and you can weather any storm.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

RaNDom Musing #14 (Mar 2011): Power Rangers vs. Voltron

So....I was talking about Voltron to my Soldiers last week.

They looked at me like I was crazy. Why?!  Because they'd never heard of it!


I was trying to explain that Power Rangers was a just horrible knock off of the awesomeness that was Voltron - except they were both made by the same place, Saban.

I submit the following: Can something be a knock off if it's produced by the same place as the original....?

Monday, February 21, 2011

{mis}Adventure #10 (Feb 2011): Paleo-mania - Let the Hunting and Gathering Begin (AKA Do I REALLY have to grocery shopping *ugh*)!

Background (Hint: SKIP this if you want to just straight to the {mis}Adventure; READ if you want additional chuckles!).
So…at the turn of 2011 I joined a crossfit gym with plans to get back to the athletic prowess of my earlier twenty-something years.  Interestingly enough, this decision came as a result of some self-actualization – as in I am starting to realize that I apparently learn many of my life lessons the hard way.  That’s just the way it is!
It’s probably because I’m hard-headed. 
I mean, that’s what the oral surgeon who was tasked to pull 6 of my teeth said when he had to do the surgery over the course of two sessions instead of the one he planned.  Apparently my skull / jaw bones are SO dense that the novacaine wore off partially through the procedure and I’d surpassed the maximum allowable dose for one-sitting.  
Back to that whole learning lessons the hard way and my latest lesson learned.  When I got out of the Army and into the civilian world out of principle, I REFUSED to work out in the mornings.  Are you kidding me?!  After what was effectively NINE years of early mornings, I would have NONE of that. *pfft*  Then I slowly realized that with a job in "corporate America", in addition to some of the volunteering activities that I would pick up, afternoon work-outs were not guaranteed and I’d have to get in where I fit in – at 0600 (that’s 6 a.m. for you non-military types)!
So…after about a year of slugging with hit-or-miss afternoon workouts, I got in gear and started this circuit workout training.  It was an improvement because it was a way of keeping me active, but with many of my work-out  peers being non-athletic, middle-aged women, I knew I wasn’t pushing myself and without too much cajoling from my friend and co-worker, D-Bicep (Jersey Shore Name), I migrated to crossfit (this is my gym: 
Upon joining crossfit I figured: Hey these workouts are gonna push me so hard that I can continue to eat whatever the heck I want, right? Wrong!  However, instead of waiting an entire year, this time, it’s only taken me a little over a month to learn the lesson and get my butt in gear. 
So…I am starting the Paleo Challenge.  Intent is to try it for a month, but after hearing testimonies from Ms. M, Mr. P and the other half on my dynamic work duo of K2, Mr. K…I’m planning on just sticking with it. 

So by now you’re asking: Hey, where the HECK is the {mis}Adventure?! It starts here!
Today begins the first day of the rest of my life. 

Today I start the Paleo-lithic way of eating.  It’s essentially a diet based upon that of the early humans, the hunter-gathers.  Their skeletons when compared to that of early agrarian societies are WAY healthier and have no signs of many of the diseases that we deal with today, in fairly recent history (i.e., cancer, diabetes, autoimmune deficiencies, etc.).  Anyways, want to learn about that – then go here: 
So…if you know me (and many of you do, but hopefully when my blog goes global those readers won’t know me and this lil’ tid-bit will shed light on one of my many idiosyncrasies), you KNOW that I dislike cooking and any action that requires me to THINK about eating.  You’ll never hear me complain about food – I’ll eat anything, especially if I don’t have to cook it.  So it doesn’t hurt that the Paleo-dude, aka Robb, says that 90% of the meals can be cooked this way:
1.      Put some oil in a pan.
2.      Brown some meat in that oil for a minute.
3.      Add herbs/spices.
4.      Add veggies.
5.      Stir a time or two cover and set timer for 5-10 mins.
6.      If it’s done, eat!  If not, set a timer again.
That’s it?! 


AND no calorie counting or portioning madness…how, when and where do I sign-up?! 

<Enter Robb’s quick-start guide>

The quick start guide for this Paleo-madness was equally as easy and went a little something like this:
1.       Clean out the Pantry (too easy...oh, wait you mean like get rid of stuff, not EAT it – drats, folied again!)
2.      Go Shopping (wait – you mean, like in the grocery store?  Can I peapod this?)
3.      Cook! (…*roll eyes* why is there an exclamation mark after that dreadful word?)
4.      Go for a walk (I can do that!  Except, I do believe that I will replace walking with Crossfit)
5.      Sleep (all day, every day – Mr. Robb, you have the right lady!)
As you can see, I was all about steps 1, 4 and 5 – well, more like steps 4 and 5.  But with my grumbling reduced to a minimum, I accepted that I do not have self-control and cleared out my pantry (Step1).  Which was pretty scarce anyways…my fridge and pantry are almost as bad as a college dude’s (photographic evidence below).

Later on, I hauled myself out of the house and headed to the grocery store *grumble*.  While I am not exactly one of the folks described in the author’s book I’m pretty close to this description: If the meal is not out of a box or stuck between two pieces of bread, you have no idea what to do.  Yep, pretty close, Robb – good job!
So…I took his advice and attacked the grocery shopping like a military campaign.  I operated on the perimeter of the store imagining that the center contained insurgent (I added that caveat) fatties trying to ambush me with all kinds of yummy, but bad-for-me treats.  Essentially, the center of the store was my enemy unless I was getting coffee detergent or cat litter – wait I don’t have a cat, so, yeah…
Mission 1: Produce
Key Tasks:
·         Veggies and fruits
·         Buy what’s in season
·         Look for organic
·         Resist urge to buy little Debbie Cakes and wheat thins when I can’t find organic or high-priced organics (hey, I’ve lived off of this diet before – it’s YUMMAY!)
Endstate: Grocery shopping in the produce section was WAY tough.  I usually just roam around and say, yep…that looks good.  Ooh!  I’ll take some of that and…that too – seemingly, well, actually shopping at random.  Then it all sits in my house uncooked save for the lean cuisine microwave meals…So this time my crop gathering went a little something like this:
Where’s the zucchini…?
…and the cabbage?  Where the heck are they hiding that?! *sigh*
Ooh!  Here it is – no wait…that’s lettuce.  Why isn’t the cabbage near the lettuce? Aren’t they *cousins, identical cousins all the way*?!  Guess what, you can lose your mind bc they were NOT in fact in the same place.  Okay.  Cabbage, check!
Broccoli slaw?  C’mon Robb – that sounds gross…I’m not buyin’it.  Next!
I managed to get all of the other produce items – less the broccoli slaw and zucchini (I don’t know that I actually know what zucchini looks like whole, and not in a lean cuisine meal. And oh, by the way, wasn’t near the spaghetti squash which turned out to be on a completely different side of the produce section than the butternut squash and other squashes…go figure).
Mission 2: Meat & Seafood
Key Tasks:
·         Go wild (that is look for wild caight vs. farmed fish)
·         Leaner cuts of conventional meats
·         Try to find grass-fed and try not to be confused by the grass-fed / organic / free range lexicon…um, yeah
·         Resist urge to quit and hit the Taco Bell nextdoor
Endstate: I went “Wild” on my meat hunt, as suggested by the Paleo-dude.  Got wild salmon and tried to find grass-fed beasts.  Tough stuff, but I made it out of that area alive and less the ground lamb that was on the list.  I’m sorry – after some bad stomach days with lamb in Iraq…I just can’t do it.  *blecch*
Hmmm… I wonder what the impact is if I don’t get all the stuff on the list? 

I also gathered some nuts and berries – dang…had to go back near the produce section for the berries – d’oh! Then I got all the way home and realized, when unpacking, that I forgot the eggs. 
Considering that the eggs in my fridge were marked “use by Jul 01” yes, that’s over 7 months ago (I know, and I don’t need you to tell me) I’m guessing I’ll have to hit the store again in the morning so I can eat. 
FYI- my fridge is technically a freezer.  I have accepted who I am with regard to kitchen/food/cooking.  I keep that thing so cold that nothing spoils in there.
It’s morning.  I went to crossfit, I went back for those doggone eggs AAAAAND*drumroll*…….
I’ve poached my first egg, EVER…in life!  Hey, this Paleo thing may just help me grow up.  If not, it may just make me tolerant enough of cooking to finally have a fridge that’s not a freezer (and according to my mother, I’ll be able to get and keep a man…wait, let’s not get too carried away, though).
Anywho, stay posted kids!  I’m sure Paleo-madness is sure to bring some “battle of the wills”-type {mis}Adventures into my life…

{CLOUD} Hunting, gathering and foraging can be frustrating (especially when it’s in a grocery store that has not employed someWP-grade systems engineers to design the layout in an intuitive manner)…
SILVER LINING: but, hey, at least we can “hunt, gather and forage” in climate controlled, self-checkout and pack-your-groceries-as-you-shop comfort, right?!

PS:  When discussing the shopping, I borrowed concepts heavily from the book: The Paleo Solution, by Robb Wolf.  Totally good read - it's on his website.

Friday, February 18, 2011

RaNDom Musing #13 (Feb 2011): Who's Working on that Anyway? - Hover Boards

This one is courtesy of my friend and co-worker, Mr. P:

"In Back to the Future they promised me a hover board by 2015.  It's 2011 now, I want to know who's working on that?!"

*just sayin'*

RaNDom Musing #12 (Feb 2011): Doggy Bags and the Household Dog

So, this weekend I had some left-over food from my dinner out.  The waitress asked me if I'd like a doggy bay, but since my hotel room didn't have a mircowave I declined the offer. 

That got me to wondering:
     Did doggy bags exist before the advent of microwaves? 
     If so, did the household dog actually get to eat the contents of said bag?

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

RaNDom Musing #11 (Feb 2011): Things I Like - Chuck Taylors

I like Chuck Taylors. 

I am starting a collection, but not a boring collection like this guy (, where he actually allows plain ol', mono-color, non-original shoes into his collection. 

Oh no, I will start a collection that contains only the coolest designs and concepts.

Stay tuned.

{mis}Adventure #8 (circa Dec 2007): How I Got on TV...*ahem* Korean TV (aka the BBQ Chicken Craze)

So M and I just finished dropping one of the girls that we coach off at JFK Airport to start the Christmas break.  We figured that since we were already in the city, we wouldn’t waste the trip and thus began our random wandering.
We wandered around looking for parking; we wandered to a Starbucks and got our requisite holiday flavored cups of java; we wandered the streets looking for 80s gear to wear to the “Totally Awesome 80s Prom” that we’d be attending in a few days; and during our course of wandering we wandered upon none other than a BBQ Chicken joint!
And thus began my “starstruck” reaction:
M, do you realize what this is?!  THIS is a BBQ chicken place, this chicken was THE BEST chicken EVER!!  I ate this stuff at LEAST once a week when I lived in Korea.  It’s soooooo good!  WE HAVE to go in this place and get some…you WON’T be disappointed.  I promise!  Let’s go…!
So M and I entered the restaurant and immediately I inquired of the guy at the entrance:
            Is this THE BBQ Chicken?  As in the place from Korea?!! 
He replied "yes" (followed by my instant celebratory dance), but then went on to explain that although this is a BBQ chicken, it would not be open for another two weeks. 
What?! *gasp*
BBQ chicken guy came through, though – he announced that there was ANOTHER BBQ chicken joint open just a few blocks up...before the guy could spit out the address, M and I were on our way!
We parked the car and made our way into the BBQ chicken.  This one was definitely open AND when I let on to the owner  - with excitement that only I can exude -  that not only had I eaten BBQ before, but that it’s the BEST CHICKEN, EVER; he asked if we'd like to be interviewed for a special that will be aired on SBS - Seoul Broadcasting Station.  Uh, yeah, of course! 

So M and I get coached on the questions that will be asked…he requested that I be just as enthusiastic on camera as I was when I entered the restaurant (too easy) and then he asked that we say this phrase at end of the interview – complete with two thumbs up:
            BBQ Chicken jeongmal mas-iss! 
           <translation: BBQ Chicken is delicious>
The best part, we got free food – what, what?! In retrospect we probably traded for what was undoubtedly (okay, quite possibly) aired as a commercial in Korea. 
{CLOUD}:  Sometimes life just puts closed BBQ Chicken restaurants in your path…

SILVER LINING: ...but when one BBQ Chicken restaurant is closed – another is open, just around the corner…with a Korean TV station crew… ready to make you famous…in Korea.

Don’t believe me?  Dude, the pics don’t lie!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

RaNDom Musing #10 (Jan 2011): The Thing About Opposable Thumbs...

This one is courtesy of my kindred spirit Ms. T:

"Ok so - what's so wrong with pondering what life would be like without opposable thumbs? I mean have you really considered how much of an advantage that gives us as mammals?"

*just sayin'*