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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

{mis}Adventure #8 (circa Dec 2007): How I Got on TV...*ahem* Korean TV (aka the BBQ Chicken Craze)

So M and I just finished dropping one of the girls that we coach off at JFK Airport to start the Christmas break.  We figured that since we were already in the city, we wouldn’t waste the trip and thus began our random wandering.
We wandered around looking for parking; we wandered to a Starbucks and got our requisite holiday flavored cups of java; we wandered the streets looking for 80s gear to wear to the “Totally Awesome 80s Prom” that we’d be attending in a few days; and during our course of wandering we wandered upon none other than a BBQ Chicken joint!
And thus began my “starstruck” reaction:
M, do you realize what this is?!  THIS is a BBQ chicken place, this chicken was THE BEST chicken EVER!!  I ate this stuff at LEAST once a week when I lived in Korea.  It’s soooooo good!  WE HAVE to go in this place and get some…you WON’T be disappointed.  I promise!  Let’s go…!
So M and I entered the restaurant and immediately I inquired of the guy at the entrance:
            Is this THE BBQ Chicken?  As in the place from Korea?!! 
He replied "yes" (followed by my instant celebratory dance), but then went on to explain that although this is a BBQ chicken, it would not be open for another two weeks. 
What?! *gasp*
BBQ chicken guy came through, though – he announced that there was ANOTHER BBQ chicken joint open just a few blocks up...before the guy could spit out the address, M and I were on our way!
We parked the car and made our way into the BBQ chicken.  This one was definitely open AND when I let on to the owner  - with excitement that only I can exude -  that not only had I eaten BBQ before, but that it’s the BEST CHICKEN, EVER; he asked if we'd like to be interviewed for a special that will be aired on SBS - Seoul Broadcasting Station.  Uh, yeah, of course! 

So M and I get coached on the questions that will be asked…he requested that I be just as enthusiastic on camera as I was when I entered the restaurant (too easy) and then he asked that we say this phrase at end of the interview – complete with two thumbs up:
            BBQ Chicken jeongmal mas-iss! 
           <translation: BBQ Chicken is delicious>
The best part, we got free food – what, what?! In retrospect we probably traded for what was undoubtedly (okay, quite possibly) aired as a commercial in Korea. 
{CLOUD}:  Sometimes life just puts closed BBQ Chicken restaurants in your path…

SILVER LINING: ...but when one BBQ Chicken restaurant is closed – another is open, just around the corner…with a Korean TV station crew… ready to make you famous…in Korea.

Don’t believe me?  Dude, the pics don’t lie!

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