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Friday, February 18, 2011

RaNDom Musing #12 (Feb 2011): Doggy Bags and the Household Dog

So, this weekend I had some left-over food from my dinner out.  The waitress asked me if I'd like a doggy bay, but since my hotel room didn't have a mircowave I declined the offer. 

That got me to wondering:
     Did doggy bags exist before the advent of microwaves? 
     If so, did the household dog actually get to eat the contents of said bag?


  1. I went on to pose this question to some of my co-workers and P responded with the following deep insight:

    If that history proves true, then the mortal enemy of the dog should be the microwave

  2. They could reheat things in the oven... Me and Amy did that for several weeks when our microwave broke before we finally got a new one
