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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

RaNDom Musing #21 (18 Dec 2011): Bathroom Automation

So there I am, in the bathroom and a bar to remain unnamed on Main Street in Scranton - well, technically, Dickson City.

I go into the bathroom do my do and then step up to wash my hands.  The sink is manual, the soap dispenser is automatic and the paper towel dispenser is manual.  WTHk?!

Seriously, if you have an automated soap dispenser, I would've thought that AT LEAST the paper towel dispenser would be too!  Otherwise the savvy germaphobe's* way of washing is all thrown off and looks something like this:
  1. Manually turn on faucet
  2. Swipe hand under soap dispenser
  3. Wash hands
  4. Wave hand in front of paper towel dispenser, realize it isn't automated
  5. Manually crank out enough paper towel to dry hands, shut off faucet and exit bathroom
  6. Wave hand BACK under soap dispenser
  7. Wash hands (again)
  8. Grab paper towels
  9. Dry hands
  10. Shut off sink (with paper towels)
  11. Exit bathroom (with paper towel barrier on door handle)

Am I the only one that is annoyed by mis-matched or non-sensical bathroom automation selections?  Go all out or not at all.

*just sayin'*

*Thanks to my newest friend, Ms. J, for the savvy germaphobe technique

RaNDom Musing #20 (7 Dec 2011): Dear Scranton Series - Scranton Jeopardizes Progress in Recent Weather Pacts

[Only a week after the successful fall weather talks, Scranton places the progress made into jeopardy by sending a RaNDoM snow storm.  Although the Ice Age is the worst-case scenario of failed weather talks...this Islander doesn't want to risk it.  See more below...]
Dear Scranton,

I don't suppose that this snow storm has something to do with my delayed winter weather negotiations, does it? I was under the impression that we would return to talks on 21 December. Let's talk soon, as I do not think I can stay here if you keep up with the current weather.

~An Island Girl on Ice...literally.

RaNDom Musing #19 (29 Nov 2011): Dear Scranton Series - Fall Weather Agreement

[After a week of 55 Degree weather in the fall.  I didn't realize that the weather was unseasonably warm until conversations with my Crossfit Scranton crew.  In an effort to let Scranton know that I appreciated the gesture of goodwill (and had new expectations knowing what he could do), I drafted the following...]
Dear Scranton,

I'm pleased to find that we've been able to come to an agreement on the fall weather. I must say that I'm enjoying the 55+ temps! I look foward to our negotiations for acceptable winter weather.


An Island Girl

RaNDom Musing #18 (16 Sep 2011): Dear Scranton Series - 46 Degrees on a September Morning?!

[So - I woke up this morning at around 0630.  I'm ready to hobble down the stairs in my cast and get to the gym.  Thus far, I've been rolling out the house in a t-shirt and workout  shorts...until today, when I stepped outside and the unthinkable happened...]

 Dear Scranton,
The temperature is 46 degrees at 7 on a September morning...why?!


A Tropical Bird

RaNDom Musing #17 (circa Aug 2011): Introducing the Dear Scranton Series

Many of you may know that I've had to move to Scranton recently for work.  There are a few things that have caused me to write "open letters" to the city of Scranton since I've been here.

Some of those things include:
  • Inquiries about the lack on lines in non-side roads that facilitate two-way traffic;
  • Inquiries about why said unlined two-way roads have cars parked on them in directions opposite of the direction of travel (believe me, no lines and mis-parked cars have made me doubt if I should even be on a road);
  • and my FAVORITE - Negotiations about acceptable weather.
Stay tuned for more in the Dear Scranton Series of my RaNDom Musings!!