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Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{mis}Adventure #12 (Jun 2011): Hold Your [Wild] Horses!

This is a fairly short {mis}Adventure. 

As you all know, I've been "living" in Pennsylvania for the past month and a half now.  My daily routine starts with a 0600 workout followed by an 8-hour day.  The morning / rush-hour traffic here is equivalent to non-peak hours in DC and really deserves to be scoffed at for even being referred to as traffic.

So, you can imangine my surprise when at about 0545 in the morning the highway was at a stand still - now mind you, this is NOT typically a "trafficky" time period by PA standards.  I couldn't, for the life of me figure out why the heck I was sitting there at this hour!  


I turned on the radio to get some more insight on the goings-on and...I kid you not, the radio stations were advising commuters not to honk their horns as the State Police were attempting to wrangle a few wild horses that were impeding traffic on I-81!!

Don't beileve me?!  I submit the following photographic evidence:

Seriously, I can't make this stuff up. 
Some how, some way, I'm always present for the unlikeliest of situations!

While I was sitting there waiting for traffic to creep past the point of the back-up, I found myself getting agitated. Then I talked myself down.  Why was I so worked up?  Really and truly I was only headed to the gym.  I had no hard timeline to meet and no reason to rush.

For the first time in the month plus that I'd been making that drive  I noticed the sun ascending over the treetops in the distance.  I appreciated the colors of the sky.  I lowered my windows and took in the scents of the woodline that framed the interstate (not something that you often find on a typical DC commute). 

With that, I got the message loud and clear that was being broadcasted from above.*

{Cloud}  Sometimes life throws you into trafficky situations...

SILVER LINING ...take the hint: Hold Your Horses, and capitalize on the opportunity to reflect and appreciate.

* God has a sense of humor and he made his mark by sending a trinity of horses to deliver the message.  Yep, there were three of 'em!

Friday, July 1, 2011

RaNDom Musing # 15:

REMOVED -- Entry kept for consistency of blog numbering!